Creeping Ficus

There are few plants truly happy with any kind of light thrown from windows, but this little fig is one of them.
Creeping ficus is an understory plant native to China, Japan, Vietnam (East Asia) and adapts perfectly to the home. Tolerating temperatures down to 1c it’s not so fussy in Australia where it does best as an indoor plant. As its namesake, it has a creeping habit laying out small spade shaped leaves in delicate fans that thicken over time. I’ve seen it totally cover buildings in extraordinary grace.
“Let it grow romantically over a hard surface to soften the aesthetic”
I really want mine (variegated variety) to grow across the walls and ceiling but I’m too precious of the impact it will leave after adhering its little suckers to the paint. If you’re not fussy you could let it grow up anything for a romantic, softened look. I could see this really working from a design aesthetic against an exposed concrete interior wall above a skylight. I’ve grown mine in a hanging pot and macrame forming a green screen – not as sexy as a concrete wall but is cute nonetheless.
Creeping Ficus
Latin name: Ficus pumila “snowflake”
Pot: Hanging, shelf
Water: keep moist, occasional
Lighting: Indirect, shade, can actually tolerate full sun over time
Planting medium: 1 part good quality potting mix
Once every 6 months with Dynamic Lifter pellets (teaspoon)
Seasol (seaweed extract) once ever 2 months
Thrive high Nitrogen liquid fertiliser once every 3-4 months
Reproduction: stem cuttings, root division