Goaty Hill Riesling 2014

While on tour of Tassie, we’d ventured up into the Tamar valley from our home base in Launceston for the day.
We were bleary eyed because earlier that morning we stayed up to snatch glimpses of Aroura Australis as she dropped her last columns of electrons and protons into the Tassie night. Now tired for much of the day and in need of a wine we’d spotted this little one well off the map and just followed the signs to Goaty Hill.
This riesling wasn’t showing it’s best when tried at the time (2015). Now after a few years in the bottle it’s picked up texture and bottle age that was missing in the middle palate when it was younger.
On the nose it was showing little paraffin with developed lemon tarty richness.
On the palate it still had that trademark tight line of acidity with a good whack of lemon, lime. As a younger wine I remember tasting this with the intention for it to “go down for a while”. For me this wine always had fruit in the background but it looks like over time it has reappeared. You could say it’s one more tuned to secondary characters.
“Colour 3 / 3
Aroma 5 / 7
Taste 7 / 10
Overall 15 / 20”