LENS Project 2018

I’ve not had an opportunity to write creatively since graduating from university. Through life’s collision of obstacles and roadblocks self-expression and artistic endeavour – if that’s your thing – eventually pop through to places unknown. There is nothing like the crucible of creativity that emerges with fast-approaching deadlines. LENS Project 2018 was one of those opportunities.
A work colleague strenuously encouraged me to apply for the grant after years of proclaiming I’d been in creative palliative care. Sometimes people just need a kick up the bum to get started. As a veteran of the Padded Posterior Parade, I knew the project would be dauntingly exciting – to not feel so would be a smooth endeavour.
“There is nothing like the crucible of creativity that emerges with fast-approaching deadlines”
The project is a collaboration between a writer, photographer and social media influencer using the platform of Instagram to showcase Gold Coast arts and culture. It’s sprinted over 21 days and involves 12 posts (200-300 words, plus image). Photographs may prompt the writer, writings may prompt the photographer. It’s an amorphous and reactive reclamation of prose and compelling visual to our otherwise anaemic social media channels.
I’m excited to be part of the team COLAB2 featuring photographer/creative innovator Stuart Chapman and art/fashion curator/writer Alison Kubler as the influencer. Supported by City of Gold Coast
Read more about LENS Project 2018.