Singlefile Estate Run Free NV Methode Traditionnelle

Acquired as a result of a honeymoon stay at Williams Bay Cottages in Denmark (Great Southern, WA), we held on to this little bottle until returning to QLD. A 60-40 split of chardy and pinot this is a pretty impressive and understated bubbles.
Appearance 3 / 3
As expected for sparkling. No issues here.
Aroma 7 / 7
Quite closed over as you would expect for a sparkling served traditionally too cold. Granny Smith apple and soft brioche on the nose. It’s lifted and totally alluring. Snatching of attention in conversation.
Taste 9.5 / 10
Was totally not expecting the zappy power and fine drawn outline for this wine. Remarkable palate length with autolysis of yeast and freshness of malic acid driving the point home. It’s got the palate weight of Champagne and the freshness of a Prosecco.
Overall 14 / 20
This is a wine crafted with care and attention and I would confidently pit it against some of Australia’s finest. I’d have to snag myself a couple of bottles in order to do so.