Helvetica – CBD, Perth

If first impressions count, then the entrance of Helvetica insists you have done your research. Or least have someone ”in the know” drag you along. It”s another city drinking establishment with a Small Bar license which means it caters to less than 100 people, and tea teetotals after twelve (extended permit for Helvetica pending).
This retro-urbaneqsue setup has an interesting beverage listing with a focus on Whisk(e)y. One may be inclined to call it a quasi-whisk(e)y bar. After all, clients may purchase bottles and have them shelved for storage, and staff will serve you from your (own) bottle every week with no extra cost. Cocktails, wine and beer form the usually holy trinity. There is a simple but good snack menu on offer. Anything more of in the way of culinary offerings is a case of watch this space.
So if the thought of queueing up next to bins and graffiti in your Sunday best on a Saturday night doesn’t dissuade you, give this place a go. The experience makes you appreciate the interior and a fine single malt a whole lot more.
Very cool. I like. I like. Sniff around Andaluz and you’ll find it.